IBLCE Exam Board Role for UK IBCLC


LCGB is delighted to announce on IBCLC day that LCGB member, Jane Graves IBCLC, has been selected to serve on the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) Certification Committee.

We wish to congratulate Jane on her new appointment and are delighted to see a UK IBCLC take on this internationally important role so soon after qualifying.

Jane was awarded an LCGB conference scholarship to attend our Conference in 2015, and has worked to assist aspiring IBCLCs to navigate the pathway including the health science education, through a dedicated Facebook page sharing information and support with other non-health professional candidates. Jane successfully sat the exam and certified as an IBCLC in January 2017, and has also continued to contribute to LCGB work to improve access to the profession and is part of the equality and diversity team. On hearing of her selection Jane said:

“I am delighted to have this wonderful opportunity to broaden my horizons and to continue working on my passion to see more non health professionals certify as IBCLCs.”

Congratulations Jane!